Friday, July 10, 2020

Donald Trump Is Putting the Children of this Country in Harm’s Way for His Own Political Ends

By P.S. White

Donald Trump announced on Twitter this week that he wants schools to re-open in Fall and he even issued a threat that he would cut off federal funding if they failed to do so.

As a parent, I want my son to be back in class in the new school year to be with other kids and to get the full advantages of our public education system.  But if our children are to return to school in Fall, it needs to be for the right reasons and with the proper precautions taken, not for someone else's political gain.  Trump is pushing for the kids to go back because he wants to claim that the country has returned to normal in the hopes that his poll numbers improve.  But that is not a reason to rush the kids back to the campus, especially when the virus continues to surge in the country (this week saw an all-time high number of new cases reports).  To make matters worse, Trump is balking at the CDC guidelines for assuring that the schools are safe, quibbling over the money.  His push for the schools to reopen is driven primarily by self-interest and he shows a disturbing lack of concern for the safety of the children.

If Trump really wants the schools open in Fall, then he needs to pony up the dough to make sure the schools are fully prepared with all safety precautions considered.  And while the kids are less susceptible to COVID-19, there are teachers and staff at the schools that are 40, 50, maybe 60 years old, many of whom are getting paid a barely livable wage.  What exactly is Trump offering to assure the safety and well-being of those working at the schools as well as our children?  And how many people with little or no insurance will suffer financially from this as well?

The political atmosphere in our country has been particularly ugly for quite some time, and now our children are being placed in harm's way.  This is is reprehensible behavior by the president and should be called out by every citizen of this nation.  There are justifications for the kids to go back to school and there are justifications for them to stay home.  We must weigh the pros and cons and make the right decisions for the right reasons and also make sure we proceed with caution.   And we must guarantee the safety of our children and those who give of themselves to assure their education.  The safety of the kids, the educators, and the staff that maintain the school must be the driving force, not the political gains of one or more people.

Trump has crossed a line that has forced the parents in this country in a place where they must face some very difficult decisions.  And he brings nothing to the table but threats and his typical bullying behavior.   It may be the right decision for the kids to return to school, but Trump is not the right person to make that call.  The parents, the school districts, and the local governments need to weigh the options and make the best decisions with the safety of the children and the educators as the top priority.  And they need to be ready to pull back quickly if the virus starts to spread in the schools.

The parents of this country must insist that the re-opening of schools is well guided and governed by those closely involved, and not by politicians serving their own interest.  Otherwise, the price we pay will be far too high.

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