Friday, July 03, 2020


By Fat White Noise

When in the course of human events
It becomes necessary to call out our leaders
Who have gone astray from Common Sense
Because they’ve lost sight of the needs of the people

When in the course of human events
Our cries of justice are met with intolerance and injury
From a leader who sets himself above and demands to be called Prince
As he sits upon his throne raging at our country

When in the course of human events
The people decide to dissolve their ties
From rulers whose loyalty to justice is spent
They will demand redress with their voices amplified

We hold these truths to be self-evident
That we will make our leaders accountable
When our government becomes destructive to these ends
We’ll go back to the source and demand the Rights of the People

We hold these truths to be self-evident
That We the People in this country hold the power
Though our leaders have forgotten that covenant
We will assert our authority at the proper hour

We hold these truths to be self-evident
That our leaders are but public servants
Deriving their powers from the people’s consent
And if they fail us they lose their voted grant

We hold these truths to be self-evident
That we are all created equal
That we must protect our lives
That we must protect our Liberty
That we have a right to safety and happiness
Lest we find ourselves again in captivity

These Rights unalienable we receive from God above
To make us one nation, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all

When in the course of human events
Our leaders have lost their way and gone astray
The people will come together to tally their assent
And vote in those who will listen, respects our rights, and lead the way

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